
Villa Carmen Chillies

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    Hot & Tasty

    Hot Chilli Sauces

    All new hot sauces for 2024

    We have always made sweet chilli sauces with our honey. But our first hot sauce in 2023 was at the request of one of our lovely clients. We had never made a hot sauce before, since we only made sweet chilli sauces because that is what our friends / customers liked. So first, we reached out to a friend who grew chillies and he gave us some amazing looking Ghost chillies. Both myself and my wife (she makes the sauces) wondered, what it would taste like since we were at the time chilli noobs and after the first taste and a few glasses of milk later we were addicted.

    Better still, when we took along the Ghost chilli sauce to a honey fayre, it proved so popular, we had people ordering more – who knew!

    It was late in the season, but we grow our own vegetables and such, so I planted 10 or so Habanero Red chilli plants and watched them grow. The bonus was that our Bees loved the flowers as well so it was a win win.

    And that’s where we started with the hotter Chillies. OK, they might not be up there on the SHU scale, but one step at a time. We want to keep the sweetness in our sauces which we love and work on the heat.

    This year,(2024) we have managed to get a selection of seeds including Carolina Reaper and we will see how we go. I planted the seeds in March, so we have just started out hot chilli journey.

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    Email: thequeenbee@villacarmenbees.com

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